CSS Transitions

CSS transitions are used to create smooth and gradual changes in the style of an element as its properties are animated. Transitions can be used to change the size, position, color, or other properties of an element over time.

The transition Property

CSS transitions are written using the transition property. The transition property takes four values: the property being animated, the duration of the transition, the timing function, and the easing function.

For example, the following CSS rule will create a smooth transition of the width property of all <div> elements over a period of 1 second:

div {
  transition: width 1s;

Other Transition Properties

CSS also includes a number of other transition properties, such as delay, iteration-count, and direction. These properties can be used to control the timing and looping of the transition.

For example, the following CSS rule will create a smooth transition of the width property of all <div> elements over a period of 1 second, with a delay of 0.5 seconds, a looping count of 3, and an easing function of ease-in-out:

div {
  transition: width 1s 0.5s 3 ease-in-out;


Add a transition of background-color 0.5s to header upon hover. Run the code and experiment with the code to get used to it.


CSS transitions are a powerful tool for creating smooth and gradual changes in the style of an element as its properties are animated. By understanding how CSS transitions work, you can create web pages that are more visually appealing and easier to use.

Here are some tips for using CSS transitions:

  • Use transitions to add visual interest to your web pages.
  • Use transitions to create interactive elements, such as buttons and menus.
  • Use transitions to create a sense of movement and progression on your web pages.
  • Use transitions to make your web pages more accessible to users with disabilities.