Other CSS Background Properties
Background Repeat
The background-repeat property specifies how the background image will be repeated. The background-repeat property can be set to one of the following values:
- repeat: The background image will be repeated both horizontally and vertically.
- repeat-x: The background image will be repeated horizontally only.
- repeat-y: The background image will be repeated vertically only.
- no-repeat: The background image will not be repeated.
For example, the following CSS rule will set the background image of all <h1> elements to be repeated horizontally and vertically:
h1 {
background-repeat: repeat;
Background Position
The background-position property specifies the position of the background image. The background-position property can be set to a combination of two values, which represent the horizontal and vertical position of the image.
For example, the following CSS rule will set the background image of all <h1> elements to be positioned 10px to the left and 20px to the bottom of the element:
h1 {
background-position: 10px 20px;
CSS backgrounds can be used to add background images, colors, and gradients to HTML elements. By understanding the different CSS background properties, you can create web pages that look the way you want them to look.
Here are some tips for using CSS backgrounds:
- Use a variety of background properties to create a visually appealing web page.
- Use background images to add interest and depth to your web pages.
- Use background colors to create a sense of hierarchy on your web pages.
- Use background gradients to create smooth transitions between colors.