Fundamentals of HTML: Quiz 1By Team TumkurLab / June 13, 2023 Welcome to your Fundamentals of HTML: Quiz 1 What are attributes used for? To style an HTML element. All of the above. To control the behavior of an HTML element. To provide additional information about an HTML element. None What are some ways to format text on a web page? Using a WYSIWYG editor. Using CSS styles. All of the above. Using HTML tags. None How do you use the href attribute to specify the URL of a link? By adding the href attribute to the img tag. By adding the href attribute to the table tag. By adding the href attribute to the a tag. By adding the href attribute to the ul tag. None What are the two main parts of an HTML element? Content and attributes Opening tag and closing tag Element name and element value Start tag and end tag None What is HTML? HTML is a programming language. HTML is a web browser. HTML is a scripting language. HTML is a markup language. None Time's up