Online Color Contrast Checker
Check color contrast for the text and the background. Check if it meets the WCAG AA accessibility guidelines and what it is.
Sample Text
The contrast ratio is 1.00:1. It does not meet the WCAG AA accessibility guidelines.
Enhance readability with high contrast text
High contrast text can make a big difference in the readability of a web page or document. This is especially important for people with low vision or color blindness.
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 level AA requires a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text. This means that the difference in luminance between the text and its background should be at least 4.5:1 or 3:1, respectively.
There are a few things you can do to ensure that your text has sufficient contrast:
- Use a light background color and a dark text color, or vice versa.
- Use contrasting colors that are easy to distinguish, such as black and white, blue and yellow, or red and green.
- Avoid using colors that are similar in value, such as light gray and white, or dark gray and black.
- Use a bold or underlined font to increase the contrast of the text.
Prevent colour blindness problems by using sufficient contrast
Color blindness is a condition that affects the way people see color. There are different types of color blindness, but the most common type is red-green color blindness.
People with red-green color blindness may have difficulty distinguishing between red and green, or between shades of these colors. This can make it difficult for them to read text that is colored red or green, or to understand graphics that use these colors.
One way to avoid colorblindness issues is to use sufficient contrast between the text and its background. This will make it easier for people with color blindness to see the text, even if they cannot distinguish between the colors.
Another way to avoid colorblindness issues is to carefully choose the colors that you use. For example, you should avoid using red and green together, unless you are using a high contrast ratio.
Avoid color blindness problems by carefully selecting the colors that convey the information
In addition to using sufficient contrast, you can also avoid colorblindness issues by carefully choosing the colors that you use to convey information. For example, if you are using a color-coded legend to represent different types of data, you should choose colors that are easily distinguishable by people with color blindness.
Here are some tips for choosing colors that convey information:
- Use a limited number of colors. This will make it easier for people with color blindness to distinguish between the colors.
- Use contrasting colors. This will make the colors easier to see, even if people with color blindness cannot distinguish between them.
- Avoid using colors that are similar in value. This can make it difficult for people with color blindness to distinguish between the colors.
- Use bright colors. Bright colors are easier to see than dark colors, especially for people with color blindness.
By following these tips, you can improve the readability of your web pages and documents for people with low vision or color blindness. This will make your content more accessible to a wider audience.
What WCAG Says on These Topics
The WCAG 2.1 guidelines have specific requirements for color contrast. These requirements are designed to ensure that people with low vision or color blindness can easily read text and understand graphics.
The following are the WCAG 2.1 requirements for color contrast:
- Normal text: The contrast ratio between the text and its background must be at least 4.5:1.
- Large text: The contrast ratio between large text and its background must be at least 3:1.
- Graphics and user interface components: The contrast ratio between graphics and their background must be at least 3:1.
The WCAG 2.1 guidelines also provide guidance on how to choose colors that convey information. The guidelines recommend using a limited number of colors, and avoiding colors that are similar in value.
By following these guidelines, you can make your web pages and documents more accessible to people with low vision or color blindness. This will help to ensure that your content is available to a wider audience.